Language Artists

If this class is "Language Arts," then my students must be language artists.  And if my students are artists, their excellent writing could really be called masterpieces.  Here are just a few masterpieces from our 6th grade students...Enjoy!

Christmas Break pyramid poems:

Travel and Technology
joyful, amazed, despair, excited
playing computer, traveling to places, watching movies, eating
A break I enjoyed a lot, with many exciting things
By New

Busy, cold, fun, lazy
traveling, meeting people, playing, sleeping
I had a good time, but I was tired
By Emily

Warm Break with Family
comfortable, fun, happy, warm
swimming, playing with cousin, styding, enjoying
I had a fun time playing, and did what I promised
By Michelle

Japan, not as planned
Excited, magnificent, luscious, exhausted
walking, exploring the world, seeing new things, eating
I love this trip, but still, not as planned.
By Poom

My Triple Free Weekend
Inactive, humdru,, fragile, enthusiastic
gulping, swearing, chilling out, snoring
In other words, boring.  But not so bad.
By Daniel

One Week in Chiang Mai
tired, sleepy, bored, breakable, lazy, restless
eating, running, playing, sleeping, drinking
Playing video games, play with my two dogs
By Trin

An Exciting Break
different, classic, joyful, cold
traveling, sleeping, playing, discovering
A planned trip and a new kind of trip
By Bright

Coming Back
different, joyful, awesome, odd
exciting, sleeping in, laughing, talking
very different, but still great!
By Gabby

The Boring Break
boring, sleep, sitting, fun
I was moving, sleeping, cooling, eating
Another boring experience, yet I wouldn't take it back.
By Jason

Partying, exciting, nervous, best
having a blast, traveling, laughing, sleeping
Old friends go, but always come back
By Sarah S.

In Line Break
tired, eager, excited, exclusive
waiting in line, eating a lot, enjoying rides, typing
Not the most fun vacation I had, but sometimes I did have fun.
By Peter

My Christmas Break
awesome, relaxing, useful, free, great
Khao Yai, Nerf wars, video games, friends
Better break than I expected, one of the best I've had
By Sam

Christmas at Home
peaceful, joyful, lovely, thoughtful
sleeping late, buying things, staying up late, reading
the normal break, but fun for me!
By Mew

Freezin' New Year Break
cold, enjoying, tiring, fun
playing, funny, different, restful, dreamful
A break all by myself that I loved!  Somehow, it was perfect!
By PunPun

Not the Same
not enjoying, little, sad, helpful
too hard, boring, dreamful, sometimes fun
so-so, but not the same as other years
By Lila

Student Switching Break
thrilling, fun, boring, interesting
switching students, meeting friends, having sleepovers, swimming
reuniting with old friends, knowing that they're back for good
By Jana

Break at the Beach
Sunny, fun, loud, unpeaceful
riding horse, swimming, chilling out, taking pics
It was an annoying break, but totally something I could take.
By View

New Year
Colorful, crowded, noisy
candies, fire cracker, red envelope, gifts, money
shopping, going to parties, giving gifts, counting down, wishing school would never open
By Pack

Carsick in the Car
restful, sleepy, tired, quiet
puking, boring, sleeping, talking
Six hours to meet my friend in car, very carsick
By Yohan

A Stress for a New Year
restful, stressful, cheerful, exhausted
boring, sleeping, shopping, eating
One and a half hours on an airplane, very boring ride
By Tee

New Year's
bright, colorful, cheerful, fun
watching fireworks, hanging out with friends, staying up late, having fun
Having a good time with good friends
By Alycia

The Countdown
fun, colorful, happiness, beautiful
playing around, watching the fireworks, screaming 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
jumping and clapping for joy
It's the first countdown for me, and the first time seeing lots of fireworks around me
By Prairie

The Unexpected Break
restful, interesting, playful
enjoying fast rides, walking, eating, playing
The most fun lifteime experience and ever will be
By Jimmy

The Long, Luxurious Break
long, fun, luxurious, cool
enjoying, relaxing, exciting, loving
loving and caring for family, best break ever!!
By Pran

Early Christmas
peaceful, awesome, playful, cheerful
getting an Xbox, playing it all day, watching TV and reading the Bible
The break I wanted, with things I didn't want, but it turned out to be the break I wanted
By Tae

Off to Chiang Mai
creative, ice cream, boring, friends
shouting, sleeping, downloading, gaming
full of joy and excitement, better than I expected
By Shyam

Trip to Singapore
fun, exciting, beautiful, creative
shopping, playing, sleeping, eating food
was sick when I went there, but still enjoyed the trip
By Pow

restful, fun, dreamy, creative
resting, jumping, running, caring
the best break ever, could not be any better
By Anvi

What I expected
quick, fun, short, fast
boring, playing games, eating, swimming
Staying up late every night, just what I expected.
By Art

New Year Attack
thankful, helpful, wonderful, awesome
playing games, learning art, enjoying music, meeting
I didn't expect having so much fun, meeting my cousins was most of the fun.
By Mann

A Fun Trip to Singapore
enjoyable, exciting, happy, awesome
feasting food, enjoying friends, exciting trips, and having fun
The tour was not that good, but it was still a great trip!
By Bill

My Vacation was Boring
sleeping, alone, sickness, unexciting
sleeping, playing games, chatting with friends, shopping
My brother is alone in the USA, so that's why my vacation was boring.
By Tuesday

Trip to Chiang Mai
fun, new, tired, fantastic
learning, praying, playing, dancing
Wasn't that fun, like I expected, but still it was great.
By Esther

Christmas Break with Family
exciting, joyful, happy, long
flying alone, watching, eating, walking
The trip was a little boring, but filled with happiness.
By Mil

Christmas at Home
boring, friends, party, family
enjoying, sleeping, learning to cook, being with friends
This wasn't the best holiday, but I had fun with friends and family.
By Dhvani

Not a Single Day at Home
playful, joyful, beautiful, peaceful
swimmingin the sea, dancing with the waves, shopping with friends, sleeping in
This was the best Christmas break, even though I didn't see snow.
By Ji Woo

A Snowy Christmas
peaceful, joyful, playful, exciting
Skiing in the Alps, playing in the snow, running on the road, drinking milk
I didn't get enough sleep on the airplane, but it was awesome.
By Emika

Beaching Break
scorching, chilly, aromatic, lively
splashing water, fighting Poseidon, exciting, refreshing
The weather was wondrous, and the beach was glorious.
By Keshav

An Exciting Break
peaceful, special, cold, nice weather
Twisting roads, sleeping in tents, fooling around, reading
Mountains are fun; I want to go back to the North!
By Paula

New Experience in Phuket
fun, excited, wonderful, hard
serving food, cooking, watching movies, swimming
My new experience makes me learn a lot of new things!
By Fay

The Unexpected Break in Chiang Mai
joyful, fun, new, cool
sleeping in, studying studies, having fun with cousins, reading
I didn't expect it in the beginning, but somehow it happened.
By John